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Important Unknown Divorce Facts of Singapore Law

Divorce is a tricky chapter that makes most couples wriggle in their seats. Divorce cases for common people are always on the down-low when compared to high profile celebrities. People in Singapore are still not aware of these facts as there are lots of inevitable rules included. There are some who are only vaguely aware of the facts. As divorce cases are quite common these days, it is important to shed some light on the clauses under Singapore law. So, let’s not be ignorant and face the truth that can help in divorce cases.

The time period required for filing a divorce case

Being a resident of Singapore, your marriage must complete a time period of 3 years. Well, this isn’t Vegas and thus, you can’t file a divorce case on a drop of a hat. There are very few cases where a divorce case has been filed within 3 years of marriage. All of these cases are related to intense hardships. However, these types of chances are very rare. Alternatively, an annulment of marriage can be applied if things really go out of hand within the timeframe of 3 years. Be sure, that in such cases the odds will be against your favor.

Very few divorce proceedings reach to court

Very few cases in Singapore reach the courtroom in front of the judge. Maximum divorce cases are amicable and uncontested. This means that the ancillary matters (division of property, custody and others) and reasons for filing divorce are agreed on the basis of spouses before the divorce. Only in the rare cases of contested trials, spouses who are disagreeing are faced in front of the judge.

How long does it take to complete a divorce case?

A divorce case in Singapore usually takes less than 4 months to get resolved. In terms of classic Singaporean efficiency, it takes about a minimum of one month to sort of the papers, and 3-4 months for the rest of the process. However, you should keep in mind that this time frame is only applicable for uncontested cases. If a divorce case includes complicated concepts like child custody, and division of matrimonial assets, the entire process may reach to 12 months. In such cases, you need to consult with a certified Singapore divorce lawyer to turn the proceeding at your favor.

Divorces may be an upward trend in Singapore but bear in mind, that the tough considerations make your kids suffer a lot. However, even after several tries if things go out of hand, consider consulting with a professional lawyer in Singapore.

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