Tired of creditors calling you at any time of day and night? Or feel like credit card debt is stopping you from gaining financial independence? File for bankruptcy and forget about your problems with credit! Many people believe that bankruptcy is the worst thing that can happen to their credit history. Fortunately, this is hardly the case since the laws of Georgia provide many ways to repair your credit history after bankruptcy. In fact, you may not even need to sell some of your possessions to pay off the debts!
What Is Credit Repair and How it Works?
When you feel overwhelmed with debts and are in desperate need of a way to turn your life around, credit repair seems to be a way out. Credit repair firms promise to modify your credit history, deleting all negative parts from it. After their job is done, you’ll be completely free of any debts, and your credit record will be brand new, allowing you to qualify for a loan. Sounds like a perfect solution, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, there is no company capable of changing your credit history. Firms that promise to repair your credit score using some kind of magic bullets are just trying to steal your money. The only trustworthy and legally sound solution to repair one’s credit score is bankruptcy.
Credit Repair through Filing for Bankruptcy
The best credit repair services in Atlanta rely on Chapters 7 and 13 of the US bankruptcy code. These laws guarantee that every citizen of Georgia can expect a debt discharge after officially becoming bankrupt. In addition, Chapters 7 and 13 protect your right to keep some of your belongings after filing for bankruptcy. A trustworthy credit repair service should make use of these Chapters, helping you save valuable assets. It’s worth remembering that the above-mentioned regulations are not applicable in every other repair case, so you should contact your bankruptcy law firm for a detailed examination of your situation.
Credit repair through bankruptcy is often believed to restrict your access to loans in the future. This statement is almost completely false since bankruptcy leads to the elimination of credit that has had a negative impact on your record. This type of credit repair allows you to qualify for a new loan soon after the filing process is finished. Bankruptcy doesn’t limit your access to financial instruments whatsoever.
Need Assistance with Credit Repair through Bankruptcy?
Debtstoppersatl is the most reliable and trustworthy debt repair company in Atlanta. Its expert attorneys will assist you in removing all negative records through filing for bankruptcy. The company’s lawyers know how to make the best use of Chapters 7 and 13, helping your preserve valuable assets. Debtstoppers.com is also available in Spanish, ensuring that the needs of Hispanic clients of the company are met. If you aren’t sure which steps you should take to repair your credit, reach out to the company for a complimentary consultation. Clients can contact DebtStoppers to repair their debts using a form on the official website or by phone.